Reporting Solutions

Power BI Reporting Solutions

Visualize all the information you have to get better analytics in just a few clicks. You can integrate the info graphics from Power BI to your SharePoint site, public site or other apps. Share the information across your community and team so that everyone has a clear vision of the data you own.

You can build Power BI charts and diagrams based on the data from Excel files, SharePoint lists or other third-party services. There are more than 100 connectors available in Power BI.

Cross platform adjustable solution to get a visual overview of your data and make better decisions 

Custom Reporting Solutions

We can tailor custom dashboards for you to organize your data in the way you need

Create customizable reports that can fit easily into the business processes of any size organization and fulfill the needs of multiple layers of management

As business queries become more complex, out-of-the-box reports may not provide the insight needed to make decisions and predict future trends. That’s why Chiron’ user-friendly interface and visualization-driven reporting solutions are designed to produce interactive information access that allows for further exploration and understanding of data. With our reporting application, the user controls the simple to use interface and can generate sophisticated reports in minutes or real time. User can change the dashboard view using filters and refiners and by selecting the columns they would like to see there. 


Harness the power of your data. Unleash the potential of your people. Choose the analytics platform that disrupted the world of business intelligence.

Experience the power of data throughout your analytical journey. Stay in the flow of analysis, from data prep to analytics and collaboration. Get answers to questions you didn’t know you had. Share what you’ve discovered. Make data your most compelling partner in achieving your goals.

Tableau is easy to deploy, manage, and scale. As the use of data and analytics evolves and expands across your organization, IT increasingly becomes a critical enabler for data-driven decisions

Get actionable insights fast

Connect to more data

We help build connections to data on prem or in the cloud – whether it’s big data, a SQL database, a spreadsheet, or cloud apps like Google Analytics and Salesforce. You’ll be able to access and combine disparate data without writing code. Power users can pivot, split, and manage metadata to optimize data sources. Analysis begins with data. Get more from yours with Tableau.

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